
deserve to live a life of freedom.

10 years from now, make sure you can say you chose your life, you didn’t settle for it.
— Mandy Hale
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VA The Elite Way™ Signature

This 12-week one-on-one coaching program is specifically designed to assist individuals in building a life of freedom through establishing a virtual assistant business. It aims to enhance your confidence using our signature program and established frameworks, offering personalized guidance and support every step of the way

Multi Four-Figure Investment

Home office with group meeting (Zoom) meeting on computer showing attendees

VA The Elite Way™ Academy

This 8-week group coaching program serves as your step-by-step guide to designing your schedule and engaging in fulfilling work by launching a virtual assistant business. It provides a structured, supportive group environment to help you navigate the journey of starting your VA venture.

Low Four-Figure Investment

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Teammates hands fist pumping

VA Inquiry

Want to focus on being the CEO of your business again by outsourcing the daily routine tasks? We're here to connect you with a top-tier, VA The Elite Way™ trained virtual assistant, ensuring you get the skilled support you need to excel.

Free Service

Home office desk with flowers, pens, pen holder, saying pinned to wall

Pick My Brain

This 60-minute strategy session is designed to offer expert advice to both aspiring and current virtual assistants aiming to either launch or scale their businesses. It's a focused opportunity to gain insights and strategies tailored to the unique needs of your VA venture.

Low Three-Figure Investment

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Laptop on desk with portfolio on screen and plant next to laptop

 Portfolio & Resume Review

As a virtual assistant, your portfolio or resume will transform from a simple document into a powerful asset. It will become an essential tool in attracting and convincing potential clients of your unique and unmatched expertise in the virtual assistant industry.

Low Three-Figure Investment

Puzzle pieces held by several people

Client Attraction Accelerator

Shift from infrequent client inquiries to a consistent flow of interested prospects, exclusively for your virtual assistant business. With our customized strategies, you'll attract not just any clients, but the right ones, perfectly suited for your VA services.

Three-Figure Investment

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Choose the Solution

That Meets Your Needs

Let’s build your career around your life and not your life around your career. You can live a life you love, do work you enjoy, and make the income you deserve. It is possible and we can help you achieve it!

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